Rural Alive & Well (RAW) releases 2023-2024 Impact Report: Strengthening Rural Tasmania’s Wellbeing, One Community at a Time
Rural Alive & Well (RAW) releases 2023-2024 Impact Report: Strengthening Rural Tasmania’s Wellbeing, One Community at a Time.
Rural Alive & Well (RAW) announces the release of its 2023-2024 Impact Report, highlighting a year of resilience, community spirit, and impactful support services across Tasmania. Through face-to-face engagements and tailored support programs, RAW has reached thousands of individuals, meeting the needs of rural and remote communities in their most critical moments.
Over the past financial year, RAW has delivered essential support to over 651 individuals across Tasmania’s rural and remote communities, travelling over 764,000 kilometers to provide support. Over 12,000 kilometers to King and Flinders Islands, ensuring that even the most isolated community members received face-to-face support, which was particularly critical given the complexities of the drought conditions experienced this financial year.
“This report reflects a year of triumph and challenges,” said Lee Whiteley, CEO of Rural Alive & Well. “We’ve witnessed firsthand the incredible resilience of our rural communities and the power of being there, shoulder to shoulder, with those who need us. It’s a privilege to serve, and we’re committed to continuing this journey, empowering Tasmanians to navigate life’s hurdles.”
Reflecting RAW’s unique approach, Rural Alive & Well gathered some of their core supports and stakeholders to share the Impact Report. The evening presented stories directly from the communities it serves, capturing voices of strength, hope, and real-life resilience. From the water boys at the local footy club to dairy farmers and seafood workers, RAW’s support spans every corner of rural Tasmania.
Tom Windsor, President of RAW, shared: “At RAW, we do things the Tasmanian way—by innovating, creating, and daring to be different. This report is a testament to our community-driven mission, and we hope it shows the impact RAW is having across the state. Together, we’re building stronger, more connected communities.”
The full impact report is available online, offering a comprehensive view of RAW’s efforts and an invitation for others to join in building a healthier, more resilient Tasmania.
For more information or to access the full report, please visit: