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Mentally healthy and resilient rural, agricultural, and primary industry communities
Watch the video to hear a message from our youth... to you!
It's easy to make a difference. Donate today

You can play a role in the solution to reduce the prevalence of suicide within agriculture, primary industry and rural and remote communities by making a donation that you feel proud of.

Your donation will provide practical one-on-one support to reduce the risk of suicide in local farmers, fishers, foresters, youth, transport workers and rural communities.

Together we can build thriving rural communities for generations to come.

Generosity in action
FUNDRAISER - A Day In the Paddock with a View
Scott and Anita Frankcombe put generosity into action to brought their community in Sheffield together and raise funds for RAW
FUNDRAISER - 2024 Wool Solutions Wool Bale Auction
Learn about how Wool Solutions put generosity into action at their latest Wool Bale Auction
FUNDRAISER - 2023 Landfall Angus Spring Bull Sale
Learn about how Landfall Angus put generosity into action at their Spring Bull Sale
Randalls Equipment to support RAW through Excavator sale
Randalls Equipment to support RAW with $10,000 donation through Excavator sale
2023 AGFEST Wrap up
Check out our 2023 AGFEST wrap up video - it was certainly one to remember, with over 44,000 people raising $70,000+ for RAW's youth programs
Tas Stockfeed and WIN join together to air RAW TVC
Tas Stockfeed and WIN have partnered to air a TV commercial for RAW aimed at building awareness of the support for rural communities
FUNDRAISER - 2023 Sheep Station Cup
In 2023 the Sheep Station Cup Golf Day Fundraiser named RAW as a major joint recipient of fundraising through the Sheep Station Cup.
FEATURE: Seafood
RAW Conversations change lives. Watch our most recent conversation around the impacts of situational stressors and suicide within the seafood industry

If you're interested in making a difference in your local community, we encourage you to get in contact with Lauren.

Individuals interested in bequests, we have partnered with Willed as our bequest partner.

RAW is endorsed as a deductible gift recipient. Donations over $2.00 are tax deductible and provided with a receipt for tax purposes

Lauren Harper
Communications & Engagement Manager